If you are one of the brave souls on the journey to architecture licensure in the United States, you know well that there are many hoops to jump through. On top of completing your education and racking up all those …
ArchiSafari Articles.
Curious on how Kdrama portrays architect as an ideal boyfriend? What would be architect’s limit of romance and imagination on dating? What is it like to date an architect in a perfect Kdrama world?
As architects, we see our laptops as part of our identities. They represent our design aspirations and philosophy, especially when we’re meeting clients for informal presentations or just traveling. Our work requires powerful machines. Our selection is limited to aesthetic, …
First and foremost, it can’t be only 5 study sources for ARE 5.0. I found that the exam material can get so broad that we sometimes stretch our-self too thin or get bogged down on certain topics. Below is the …
Architects tend to work long hours. Studying for ARE 5 on top of that can be overwhelming. For some, its a tall order, here is the step by step process to keep your pace to takle those exams! Before finding …
John Kudos is an interdisciplinary designer whose work embraces strategy, design, and technology. His practice focuses on collaboration and experimentation informed by diverse cultural backgrounds and technological resources in brand identities, publications, exhibitions, many of which span across multiple media. …
Everyone is adapting to a new normal. Zoom calls, trouble connecting to company servers, and household background noise have become the new work vibe. Are we prepared for these abrupt changes? Are our homes prepared? This is the new norm: …